Monday, October 24, 2011

October 24, 2011

Hi Mom,

So you're going to hate me, but I need money again..I destroyed my tire and had to buy a whole new one...I don't have enough left on my card...sooo sorry, I feel really bad.

How's everything going? This week was transfers and I am not staying here in Tampa, Im going back to Sarasota to open that area back up. Im going to be with Elder taveras. He is a native speaker from the Dominican Republic. Im pretty excited. I am going to be in the same branch that I was in when I was serving in Bradenton, so it should be exciting!

This week was really awesome. WE had some great lessons with our investigators. WE decided to teach all of them about the Word of Wisdom and both lessons went super awesome - the spirit was super strong and there was no denying that it was there. They both committed to living the Word of Wisdom and they are both are - which is awesome! Then, I think think Friday we headed over to the mission office after studies because I got a new name tag because one of mine was broken, and on the way there we passed a Hispanic family and I had the thought to talk to them but I just kept riding, then Elder Garey forgot his key at home even thought he knew he put it in his we headed back home and rode past this family again. And when I rode past, my bike light fell off randomly and so I rode past them again to get it, then we continued on to the house. We both had the strong impression to turn around and go talk to them, so that is what we did, and I just asked them if they spoke Spanish, and then it took off and they knew where our chuch was and they said that they would come to church, and they did! we had 6 of our investigators at church, it was awedome!

Then last night there was a missionary fireside for all the youth in the ward and Elder Garey and I talked about the Book of Mormon.

Elder Garey went first and avoided anything religious about the book and talked about how bould not have been written in the 1800s. It was pretty cool. But then it was my turn and I tried to go spiritual and it happened to be. The spirit was so strong. It was amazing. It strengthened my testimony so strong by the looks of the youth as I spoke. I know that each and everyone of them felt the spirit and then I invited them all to just ask that night if it was true.

It was definitely one of the most spiritual experiences I've ever been in.

So yeah this was a good week

Love you guys,

Elder Vasher
P.S. Sorry again about asking for more money...don't blame me...blame Florida

1 comment:

  1. Amazing, Julie, just amazing!
    I swear (and I dont mean like bad swear)but, I don't know what it is about Kyle when ever he spoke at church either sharing his testimony or giving a now just reading his letter to you I just cry!!!
